Post-ISA 2023 and Exclusive Deals!

by | Apr 17, 2023 | Blog Posts | 0 comments

Thank You for Joining Us at the ISA International Sign Expo 2023!

We would like to thank everyone who swung by our booth at ISA 2023 in Las Vegas! For those of you who were unable to make it–or who would like a re-cap of the products we showcased–keep reading and discover exclusive deals below!

LYNX4 Modular Stud Welding System

Our big ticket item this year was the LNYX4 Modular System–a CD welder that specializes in aluminum welding (but can weld mild and stainless steel as well)! Click the picture below to find more information on this unique stud welder!

LYNX4 Modular CD Stud Welder










StudPro 2500XI CD Welder

Another popular item this year was our very own StudPro 2500XI! This heavy-duty option can efficiently weld aluminum studs and is versatile enough to weld other metals including stainless and mild steel. Click the welder here to find more information!

StudPro 2500XI

StudPro 2500XI Stud Welder








MPW 1010/2010 Autofeed System

Finally, we also showcased our M1010/21010 Autofeed System! This system allows for extreme efficiency through its unique feeding system! Built-in versatility in the system allows it to weld capacitive discharge, drawn arc, and short arc studs! See more details here!


MPW 1010

MPW1010 Autofeed System









Great Deals Still Available!

If you missed us at ISA 2023, that’s no problem! We are continuing our promotion until April 30th! Any of our products specialized for the sign industry (including the LYNX4 Modular and the StudPro 2500XI shown above!) can be purchased for 15% off and free shipping if you use code ISA2023 at checkout!

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