Headed Concrete Anchor Studs (HCA) 1/2 x 2-3/8″


Headed Concrete Anchor Studs-Mild Steel

Made in USA

Size: 1/2 x 2-3/8″

Sold in lot of 1,000pcs

No ferrules included

Stud Part Number: HCA

AKA Part Numbers: CA, H-4L, HA, HCA, H4L Concrete Anchors



Headed Concrete Anchor Studs (HCA) 1/2 x 2-3/8″

Our Headed Concrete Anchor Studs are composed of low-carbon steel (ASTM A29, ASTM A108). No ferrules included.

When Arc Stud Welding with the proper equipment and setup, you obtain a full fusion weld that becomes stronger than the stud itself.

These general purpose weld stud concrete anchors are used in all types of concrete connections creating embedded tension and shear strengths between steel and concrete. Some common uses are:

  • Embedment Plates
  • Insert and Bearing Plates
  • Marine Applications
  • Precast Concrete Industry

Structural fabrication most commonly uses arc studs. A process called arc stud welding allows a metal fastener to be welded to a parent metal through a fusion weld. A “ferrule” captures and retains the weld’s heat. The process creates molten metal that cools the weld site. The weld produced is stronger than the stud itself. Welders can use drawn arc stud welding with dissimilar metals such as mild and stainless steel, as well as aluminum.

Stud Part Number: HCA

AKA Part Numbers: CA, H-4L, HA, HCA, H4L Concrete Anchors

Our Headed Concrete Anchors meet requirements of the following:

  • AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code – Steel, Type B
  • AASHTO/AWS D1.5 Bridge Welding Code, Type B
  • ISO-13918 Welding – Studs for Arc Stud Welding
  • International Building Code Section 19
  • AWS D1.6 Structural Welding Code – Stainless Steel, Type A

Not What You’re Looking For?

To view our full selection of capacitor discharge studs and arc studs, click here. Click here to view our selection of arc stud welders.

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For more information on this product, call our office at 800-252-1919 or email us at Info@studweldprod.com and we will get back to you shortly!

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