by | Oct 24, 2023 | Blog Posts | 0 comments

Stud Welding Products will be at WESTEC 2023!


WESTEC is a leading California-based manufacturing trade show that has been connecting businesses and attendees for over 58 years. Industries present at WESTEC 2023 include aerospace, industrial machinery, fabricated metal, and many more. For more information (including location and lodging), visit WESTEC’s website here.


Stud Welding Products is excited to showcase some of our highest-graded products at WESTEC November 7th-9th! Find us at booth 1517! If you see anyone drinking from a can of “Stud Juice,” you’re in the right place!

Featured Equipment

One product we are excited to share is our most dependable and versatile capacitive discharge welding unit, the StudPro 2500xi!

The 2500xi CD Welder is the perfect combination of versatility, simplicity, and dependability! Perfect for entry-level and experienced welders alike, this welding system creates consistent, high quality welds at a reasonable price! Swing by our booth to get a firsthand look and participate in an exclusive WESTEC deal!

At our booth, we will also be featuring a variety of handheld auto-feed equipment! Specifically, we will be showcasing the PAH-1 Auto Feed Gun, which can be adapted to weld both ARC and CD studs. Auto-feed equipment is a considerable upgrade over traditional stud welding equipment that vastly increases the speed and efficiency of the stud welding process!

Also swing by our booth to see a variety of equipment from our StudPro Reach line! This unique equipment vastly reduces fatigue on operators during the welding process by absorbing torque and minimizing strain.

Register for WESTEC 2023

If you are interested in attending WESTEC this year, Stud Welding Products is offering a special registration code! Click here to find the registration page, then enter code “10103746W” when prompted by the instructions! We are excited to see you at WESTEC 2023!

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